Nakba Day 2022 Vigil
12pm Sunday 15th May at the State Library, Melbourne
“The Nakba, or catastrophe in Arabic, is the common designation given to the hostilities and tribulations that began after the approval of the UN Partition Plan for Palestine in 1947. They led to the uprooting of some 750,000 Palestinians from their homes and communities – about 85% of those living within the borders of what became the State of Israel. Most of these deportees and their descendants still live as refugees without citizenship throughout the Middle East, in the West Bank, in Gaza and all over the world, and are still prevented from returning home. A few have remained in the area that became the State of Israel and were forced to become Israeli citizens, however, they are actively disallowed from returning to their destroyed towns and villages, let alone repossessing their lands, which have been expropriated by the State for Jewish-only settlements.”
from https://www.zochrot.org/articles/view/17/en?Who_Why_and_How
View a map of all the lost villages here: https://www.zochrot.org/villages/nakba_map/en
Nakba: The man reconstructing Palestine’s lost villages
Israel is once again attacking Al-Aqsa Mosque in the holy month of Ramadan. Hundreds of prayer-goers have been brutalized and arrested by the Israeli Offense Force, and air strikes have hit Gaza. Israel is an aparthied state that commits crimes against huminaty and breaks international law, and this must be opposed.
Calling on all Palestine activists to come out this Saturday for an emergency rally to stand in solidarity with the Palestinians fighting back against Israeli terror and oppression.
End of Year Activist Picnic
Especially if you support, or are interested in supporting activism for a free Palestine.
Double vaxxed pls!
We will be raising funds for Sustain Australia and GUPAP’s solidarity action for women agripreneurs in Gaza.
More information on the campaign here
BRING: we will have BBQ food, we ask you to bring a plate of something to share, a cup and something to sit on.
WHEN: 12 noon to finish, Sunday 19 December 2021
LOCATION: Darebin Parklands
(east end of Separation St, Alphington)
DONATIONS: note if you cannot attend but can donate gifts for our raffle, please get in contact
2021 Palestine National Day *online celebration*
Join us online to celebrate Palestinian National Day and showcase Palestinian culture. The event will include poetry, music, Dabkeh performances, short speeches and videos from young Palestinians, as well as a live-stream of the raising of the Palestinian flag!
This event will be streamed on both Zoom and facebook live.
It will be held at 6pm (ADST) {5.30 SA; 5pm QLD; 4.30pm NT; 3pm WA}.
This event is hosted by Palestinian community and advocacy organisations in Melbourne – Australia Palestine Advocacy Network; Palestinian Community Association; Beit Jala Palestinian Association; Australians for Palestine; Casey Friends of Palestine; Free Palestine Melbourne; Hirak.
When: November 15th, 2021 6:00 PM through 7:00 PM
Location: *Online* Australia
Food Sovereignty in Palestine – 16 October, 2021
Webinar in support of the campaign for Urban Women Agripreneurs in Gaza with Sustain: The Australian Food Network Global Gardens of Peace منتدى غزة للزراعة الحضرية Gaza Urban Agriculture Platform GUPAP
Funding Campaign: https://www.gofundme.com/f/food-sovereignty-in-palestine
Forum: When Prison is a Weapon: the Palestinian Reality
With Palestinian ingenuity and a rusty spoon six Palestinian prisoners escaped Israel’s much heralded security apparatus. The escapees became instant heroes to all Palestinians – while Israel launched a massive manhunt to mask their fallibility.
This forum “When prison is a weapon – the Palestinian reality” will explore what it means to be a Palestinian prisoner of the state of Israel – the loss of liberty, the abuse and torture, the impacts on families, children and communities and what it tells us about the nature of occupation.
Join us and our speakers to get an insight into the realities of life for prisoners and prison’s role in the continuing occupation and oppression of Palestinians.
Pursuing Justice: Human Rights in an Age of Crisis
This event originally scheduled to take place on Thursday 22 July was postponed in response to current health advice and restrictions on public events. This will now be an online only event.
Join us for Free Palestine Melbourne’s next panel discussion at 6:30pm on Monday 26 July 2021.
Pursuing Justice: Human Rights in an Age of Crisis In the midst of intersecting global crises, how can we address the escalating humanitarian and environmental challenges of the twenty-first century?
Free Palestine Melbourne is proud to partner with The Wheeler Centre for Books, Writing and Ideas in presenting barrister and refugee advocate Julian Burnside QC, and founder of the Sydney Peace Foundation Professor Stuart Rees AO, as they discuss how the most significant human rights questions of our time have shifted – and intensified – under the impact of Covid-19. The discussion will be hosted by the inaugural Ambassador for Women of Colour and Australian Human Rights Commission “Anti-Racism Champion” Tasneem Chopra OAM.
Professor Rees, who has been a steadfast supporter of Palestinian human rights since he was targeted by the Australian Israel Lobby for refusing to withdraw the award of the 2003 Sydney Peace Prize to Palestinian peace activist Hanan Ashrawi, will be available to sign copies of his latest book Cruelty or Humanity, which will be sold at the event.
Details are as follows:
Venue: The Wheeler Centre, 176 Little Lonsdale St, Melbourne.
Date: Monday 26 July 2021.
Time: 6.30pm
Pursuing Justice: Human Rights in an Age of Crisis
Monday, 26 July 2021 at 18:30 (AEST)
Conversation with Dr. Toufic Haddad: Birth of a new resistance in Palestine
Join us in a conversation with Dr. Toufic Haddad, Palestinian American writer, activist and academic resident of the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood of East Jerusalem which has become the frontline of the struggle against ethnic cleansing by the Israeli occupation.
Toufic Haddad is the author of ‘Palestine Ltd. Neoliberalism and Nationalism in the Occupied Territory‘, co-author and editor of ‘Between the Lines: Readings in Israel, the Palestinians, and the U.S. ‘War on Terror’‘ and ‘Towards a New Internationalism: Readings in Globalization, the Global Justice Movement and Palestinian Liberation’.
He has worked as a journalist, editor and researcher in Jerusalem and will share with us grass-roots insight into the current unified, local and global Palestine uprising. Come prepared with questions as there will be valuable time for discussion.
Free Palestine Melbourne in conversation with Toufic Haddad.
Sunday, 13 June 2021 at 19:00 (AEST)
Recording: TBC
Nakba Forum
Returning to Palestine (liberated)
Free Palestine Melbourne forum with Dr. Sary Zananiri and Dr. Jordy Silverstein in conversation with Tasnim Sammak (PhD Candidate). More details here: https://fb.me/e/1k5ZcC28K
Wednesday, 19 May 2021 at 19:00 (AEST)
Webinar recording
#SaveSheikhJarrah Nakba rally
Israeli colonisation must end
Join us as we commemorate and resist 73 years of Israeli colonisation, marked by Israel’s declaration of Independence on the 14th of May, 1948 and the events of Nakba, or Catastrophe.
More details here: https://fb.me/e/2hkyslO6E
State Library of Victoria
Saturday 22nd May 2021, 1pm (AEST)
FORUM – Freedom or Normalisation? Palestine, Israel and the Arab World
Wednesday 10 February 2021, 8pm to 9.30pm (AEST)
Webinar recording
العربي في الأسفل
In the dying days of the Trump administration, three Arab states have “normalised” relations with Israel – the UAE, Bahrain, and Sudan. While a fourth, Morocco, is in the process of normalisation thanks to quid pro quo agreements.
The opportunism is obvious to even the most casual observer. But the size of the betrayal for Palestinians and the deeper ramifications for Palestine, Jerusalem and the broader region are less so, with the schism between the Arab people and the elite of their regimes increasingly stark.
Join us for an in-depth round table with Palestinian experts from the region and Australia, to discuss this and the implications of a Biden administration on these developments.
** Dr Khaled Hroub: Palestinian academic, professor of Middle Eastern studies at Northwestern University in Qatar, a senior research fellow at the Centre of Islamic Studies at the University of Cambridge, and an author of several books including: Hamas: A Beginners Guide.
** Dr. Ahmed Jamil Azem is a Palestinian academic, in the Political Science Department, at Birzeit University in Palestine. He is the Chief Editor of Shuun Falistinyyah (PLO Journal). He was a visiting fellow at the school of Arab and Middle Eastern studies at Cambridge University, worked for almost 10 years at the Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research in Abu Dhabi, and was awarded his doctorate from University of Edinburgh for a thesis entitled Jerusalem and the Middle East Settlement Policy. He is also a member of the Palestinian Central Council and advisor to the Palestinian Prime Minister.
** Dr Samah Sabawi is a Palestinian-Australian playwright, author and poet. Outside the realm of art, she is a policy advisor to Al-Shabaka, the Palestinian Policy Network and the host of the new podcast and web series In The Book Room with Samah Sabawi.
We will have a dynamic roundtable discussion, followed by 30-45 mins of audience Q&A.
Wednesday 10 February 2021
Palestine: 11am to 12.30pm
* Melbourne (Naarm), Sydney (Eora nation), Canberra (Ngunnawal country) – 8pm to 9.30pm
* Brisbane (Meanjin) – 7pm to 8.30pm
* Adelaide (Kaurna country) – 7.30pm to 9pm
* Darwin (Larrakia nation) – 6.30pm to 8pm
* Perth (Boorloo) – 5pm to 6.30pm
New Zealand/Aotearoa: 10pm to 11.30pm
Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur): 5pm to 6.30pm
Indonesia (Jakarta): 4.30pm to 6pm
Timor-Leste / West Papua: 6pm to 7.30pm
United Kingdom: 9am to 10.30am
في الايام التي كانت تحتضر فيها إدارة ترامب بادرة أربعة دول عربية بتطبيع العلاقات رسمياً مع الكيان الصهيوني وهي الإمارات العربية المتحدة، البحرين، السودان والمملكة المغربية.
حيث الإنتهازية الغير مسبوقة التي مارستها الإدارة الإمريكية كانت واضحة للقاصي والداني من المراقبين والمهتمين بالشأن الفلسطيني والدولي. بينما حجم الخيانة وتداعياتها الكارثية على القضية الفلسطينية والقدس وجميع المناطق المحتلة كانت بالغة الأثر وليس أقل أهمية من تداعيات الإنقسام بالرآي بين النخبة من إبناء الأمة العربية وإنظمتها المطبعة.
نرحب بكم جيمعا للأنضمام معنا في ندوتنا التي نستضيف فيها خبراء في الشأن الفلسطيني من فلسطين وأستراليا والمنطقة، للنقاش حول التطبيع وتداعياته، وكذلك أثر وصول الرئيس بايدن لسدة الرأسة في الولايات المتحدة الإمريكية.
الدكتور خالد الحروب، أكاديمي فلسطيني وأستاذ في جامعة نورث ويست لدراسات الشرق الأوسط، رئيس أبحاث في مركز الدراسات الإسلامية / جامعة كامبردج. وله عدة مؤلفات منها: حماس الفكر السياسي والممارسة.
الدكتور أحمد جميل عزم، أكاديمي فلسطيني، أستاذ مساعد في العلاقات الدولية في جامعة بيرزيت، ورئيس تحرير مجلة شؤون فلسطينية. زميل كلية الدراسات العربية والشرق أوسطية بجامعة كامبردج. عمل لمدة عشر سنوات في مركز الإمارات للدراسات والبحوث الاستراتيجية في أبو ظبي، حصل على الدكتوراه من جامعة إدنبرة عن أطروحة بعنوان القدس وسياسة التسوية في الشرق الأوسط. كما أنه عضو في المجلس المركزي الفلسطيني ومستشار لرئيس الوزراء الفلسطيني.
الدكتورة سماح سبعاوي شاعرة وكاتبة مسرحية فلسطينية – أسترالية. أكاديمية ومعلّقة. عملت مستشارة سياسية للشبكة (شبكة السياسات الفلسطينية) ومقدمة للبودكاست الجديد كما كتبت سلسلة “في غرفة الكتاب مع سماح سبعاوي”. من اعمالها المسرحية “حكايات مدينة على الشاطئ” ، وهي قصة حب تدور أحداثها على خلفية قصف غزة في عام 2008 ، حائزة على جائزة الغرفة الخضراء لعام 2020 لأفضل كتابة
Palestinian National Day – live stream
Sun 15 Nov, 5pm (AEDST)
Join us online to celebrate Palestinian National Day and showcase Palestinian culture. The event will include poetry, music, Dabkeh performances, short speeches and videos from young Palestinians, as well as a live-stream of the raising of the Palestinian flag!
This event will be streamed on both Zoom and facebook live. Below is Zoom registration link. You can also join and share the facebook event.
It will be held at 5pm (AEDST) {4.30 SA; 4pm QLD; 3.30pm NT; 2pm WA}.
This event is hosted by Palestinian community and advocacy organisations in Melbourne – Australia Palestine Advocacy Network; Palestinian Community Association; Beit Jala Palestinian Association; Australians for Palestine; Casey Friends of Palestine; Free Palestine Melbourne. When November 15th, 2020 5:00 PM through 6:00 PM Location *Online*
Virtual Tour Webinar:
Facts on the Ground: Annexation from Jerusalem to the Jordan Valley
Wednesday, Oct 7, 2020 07:30 PM in Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
Webinar Recording
Join FPM as we take a virtual tour from Jerusalem (al Azariya checkpoint) to the Jordan Valley to see the facts on the ground in this era of Annexation.
Following our very successful July forum The Palestinian Struggle in the Era of Annexation, Free Melbourne Palestine are partnering with 24 Palestine Tours to present a virtual tour from Jerusalem through Jericho to the Jordan Valley. The tour will be conducted by Palestinian film-maker and activist Ehab Ghafri, who will show us how the policy of annexation is being carried out and its effect on Palestinians who are losing their lands, water and freedom of movement to Jewish settlers in the West Bank. This will be a unique tour, conducted especially for an Australian audience, that will also bring some much-needed economic relief to Palestinians afflicted by the twin evils of Israel’s Occupation and the Covid pandemic.
The tour will screen for approx. 45min-1hr, followed by a 30 minute live Q&A audience discussion with our tour guide, Ehab Ghafri.
Forum: The Palestinian Struggle in the Era of Annexation
Free Palestine Melbourne invites you to join our roundtable discussion on “The Palestinian Struggle in the Era of Annexation”. In the context of the recent furore around Netanyahu’s express intention to annex up to 30% of the West Bank the Palestinian, Israeli and international discourse has reached new levels.
Join us on Wednesday 22 July 2020 with Diana Buttu, Dr Yara Hawari and Maher Mughrabi to better understand what it all means for Palestinians, the future of the Palestinian state and our international advocacy, activism and the ongoing support for the Palestinian struggle.
WHO (includes):
** Diana Buttu, Palestinian-Canadian lawyer and a former spokesperson for the Palestine Liberation Organization who is best known for her work as a legal adviser and participant in Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations.
** Maher Mughrabi, Palestinian Australian Journalist. Features editor at The Age. Foreign Editor of both The Age and of the Sydney Morning Herald from 2014 to 2017.
** Dr Yara Hawari, Activist and Senior Palestine Policy Fellow at Al- Shabaka: The Palestinian Policy Network.
DATE: Wednesday 22 July
SCREENING TIMES: Palestine: 12.30pm to 2pm
* Melbourne (Naarm), Sydney (Eora nation), Brisbane (Meanjin), Canberra (Ngunnawal country) – 7.30pm to 9pm
* Adelaide (Kaurna country), Darwin (Larrakia nation) – 7pm to 8.30pm
* Perth (Boorloo) – 5.30pm to 7pm
New Zealand/Aotearoa: 9.30pm to 11pm
Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur): 5.30pm to 7pm
Indonesia (Jakarta): 4.30pm to 6pm
Timor-Leste / West Papua: 6.30pm to 8pm
Gaza Fights For Freedom – Film Screening
After the success of our first action as Free Palestine Melbourne screening this film, we have decided to organise a second online screening, this time in conjunction with solidarity groups around Australia.
Abby Martin’s film Gaza Fights for Freedom is both an inspiring and thought-provoking film about Gaza and the Great March of Return, that we encourage all to watch to get a sense of the struggle and resilience of the Palestinian people, and the justness of the cause.
We will screen the film (1.5hrs) followed by a panel discussion.
We have now confirmed that Abby Martin, the film’s director from The Empire Files will join us, alongside friends from We Are Not Numbers in Gaza and CANADIAN Boat to Gaza.
Saturday, 25 April 2020 from 10:30-13:00 Abby Martin – Film made available for free: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnZSaKYmP2s |
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